General Information

Michaywé General Information
Please notify the Michaywé Administrative office staff if you buy or sell property in the community.
Michaywé Administrative Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Send correspondence to:
Michaywé Owners Association
1535 Opal Lake Road
Gaylord, MI 49735
Main MOA Office Phone: (989) 505-4100
Fax: (989) 939-8511
Board of Directors - board@michaywe.com
General Manager - gm@michaywe.com
Michaywé Inn the Woods Restaurant:
Hours vary seasonally. Visit www.innthewoodsatmichaywe.com or call 989-939-8800 for more information. The "Inn The Woods" Restaurant is not open on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day.
Michaywé Pines Golf Course:
Hours vary seasonally. Visit www.michaywepines.com or call 989-939-8911 for more information. The Michaywé Pines Golf Course is open to the public, and MOA property owners in good standing (and their guests playing with them) receive special golf rates. Annual season passes and play cards are available at the Pines Course.
Michaywé Amenities:
Michaywé property owners have exclusive use of the indoor and outdoor swimming pools, spa, and sauna located in the main clubhouse. Amenities also include the Opal Lake beach & beach house, playgrounds, volleyball court and extensive hiking and biking trails.
During the winter season, groomed cross-country ski trails traverse the golf course and trails and the grounds offer a wonderful venue for snowshoeing. Extensive snowmobile trails and downhill ski resorts are located near our community.
Michaywe’ Real Estate Information
Alpine Realty Group (ARG): Alpine45.com
ARG Michaywe’ Page: Alpine45.com Featured
ARG MLS Michaywe’ Property Search: Alpine45.com Michaywe’ Search
Local Links & Information
Otsego County Government: www.otsegocountymi.gov
Gaylord Area Chamber of Commerce : www.gaylordchamber.com
Gaylord Area Convention & Tourism Bureau: www.gaylordmichigan.net
Pine Cone Accommodations: www.pineconevacations.com
Gaylord Herald Times : www.gaylordheraldtimes.com
Gaylord Golf Mecca Website: www.gaylordgolfmecca.com
Gaylord Weather: NWS Gaylord Weather
Otsego County Sheriff Residence Security Check Form
The History of Michaywe