Michaywé Governance

Michaywé Governance
The Association is a non-profit organization which was formed to manage and administer the affairs of an association of property owners in a Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Michaywe; to promote the welfare of its members by maintaining and beautifying the several developments and subdivisions in which its members own or possess real property interests; to enforce building and use restrictions; to represent members before governmental boards or bodies; to promote social and recreational activities; and to engage in such other activities as are incidental thereto and not forbidden by the laws of the State of Michigan.
Rules, Regulations & Policies Manual
If you have any questions about our rules, regulations & policies, please view our manual below. Thank you!
MOA Requirements for Building Projects
Deed Restrictions – Restricted Properties
The Master Deed Restrictions for the Michaywe Planned Unit Development (PUD) is the governing document upon all the property within Michaywe. This document defines what the restricted properties are (i.e. lots, parks and other lands) and how they can be used (building requirements, restrictions, fines, etc.). This document is recorded at the Otsego County Register of Deeds and is a lien and encumbrance upon the land.
Michaywé is a deed restricted community. The restrictions were created and occasionally modified in order to maintain the community in an orderly and aesthetically pleasing place where home and lot owners can enjoy their surroundings. The full text of the restrictions is very detailed and comprehensive and as a result, can be a bit overwhelming to fully absorb. However, it is incumbent upon lot and homeowners to be aware of and comply with the stated restrictions. Below you will see a list of deed restriction topics that can be used as a guideline to the full text if there is a specific interest in any (or all) of the restrictions. The full language of the deed restrictions can be found on the link below.
1. Use of property for short- or long-term rentals
2. Vehicle and Equipment Restrictions
3. Dividing and consolidating lots
4. Approval of Building and Site plans
5. Character, Restrictions and size of buildings and other structures a. Fences, Garden Walls, Retaining Walls and Pools
b. Outdoor Lighting
c. Building size requirements
d. Building Lines
e. Water Supply and Sewage disposal
f. Toilet facilities
g. Septic Tanks and Tile Fields h. Water Wells
i. Oil and Gas drills
j. Required Permits
k. Drilling Water Wells
I. Construction Restrictions
6. Buildings adjacent to flood Plain
7. Animals
8. Signs
9. Easements
10. Refuse
11. Noxious Activities
12. Trees and Forest Management
13. Oil and Mining Operations
14. Boating and Lake restrictions
15. Fuel Storage Tanks
16. Exterior Completion Requirements
17. Hunting and Shooting
18. Drainage.
Lot Consolidation
Lot Consolidation
MOA Bylaws
Opal Lake Park Rules & Regulations Changes
Opal Lake Park Rules & Regulations
Otsego County Governance
Otsego County Zoning Ordinances